Orvis Clearwater Trout Spey Rod
Everything has changed except the value. The new Clearwater Rod Series is a complete overhaul from the ground up by our Vermont rod designers. Each rod is designed with a purpose-built profile and action to handle the fishing the rod would be traditionally used for, from medium-action small stream rods to medium-fast freshwater rods and fast-action big game rods. Designed in Vermont for anglers worldwide.
Model: 1143-4
If you find yourself on a big river doing wet-fly swings across and down, imagine how much fun it would be with a Clearwater 3-weight 11'4" trout Spey fly rod. Add a new dimension to your approach. Think of the water you could cover, not to mention the fun of fighting trout or even smallies on a long, light fly rod. Reach out with a dry fly and control the drift with extended reach, or add a light dropper rig. Tailwaters, big riffles, the possibilities are endless. Big, fun, small price, and a 25-Year Guarantee.
Model: 1144-4
If you're looking for a fly rod with extended reach and a bit more heft than the 3-weight version, the Clearwater 4-Weight 11'4" trout Spey rod is your answer. Add a new dimension to your approach to trout and light bass fishing. Think of the water you could cover, not to mention the fun of fighting trout or even smallies on a long, light fly rod. Reach out with a dry fly and control the drift with extended reach, or add a light dropper rig. Tailwaters, big riffles-the possibilities are endless for a remarkably small investment.