Adult Damsel
- size 10 (Blue)Availability:318 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (Blue)Availability:240 in stock$0.89
- size 10 (Olive)Availability:104 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (Olive)Availability:170 in stock$0.89
- size 10 (Tan)Availability:100 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (Tan)Availability:Out of stock$0.89
Total Price : $0.00
- Real adult damsels can be found almost everywhere including most rivers and all lakes.
- Emergence depends on climate, but they are easy to spot.
- In rivers and streams cast to slack water, impart action before lifting, to imitate a fly taking off.
- Damsel's eat in both nymph and adult stages of their life. Lakes with healthy Damsel's population are likely to have healthy midge and mayfly populations as well.
- Extremely popular for lake anglers
More Info
Lake Food Sources for trout, Damsel flies and fly fishing