Being able to work fly fishing on virtually any trip can become something of a hobby or even a challenge. Except for a trip with my daughter to Disneyland, I have been very successful in finding fly fishing in some of the most unlikely of destinations. Not always world class fly fishing but wetting a line even for only a morning or afternoon in different locations is always enjoyable and interesting, and quite often educational.
There is no closer fly fishing to a major metropolitan area, then in the most major of American metro areas, the Big Apple itself. And this isn't marginal fly fishing either.
Literally laying right next to JFK airport is the prolific fishing grounds of Jamaica Bay. With stripers, bluefish and tuna cruising the channels, estuaries, and flats.
Guides can be chartered right out of New York harbor and half day charters can be had, so you can be back in town for an afternoon business meeting or a night on the town. The season runs from May through November and at last check out of staters didn't even need a non-resident license.
For the do-it-yourselfer there is Shinnecock East County Park where blues are frequently plentiful. Other surfcasting favorites include Gateway National Recreation Area the Jamaica Bay and Shady Hook NJ units. If you can spare a whole day legendary Montauk is a short drive away. Most fly rodders use a nine or ten weight rods. Common flies include lefty's deceiver, Ray's Fly, Clouser Minnow, and Sand Eel.