- size 8 (Tan/Chartreuse)Availability:21 in stock$0.89 $0.80
- size 10 (Tan/Chartreuse)Availability:71 in stock$0.89 $0.80
- size 8 (Tan/Gray)Availability:97 in stock$0.89 $0.80
- size 10 (Tan/Gray)Availability:300 in stock$0.89 $0.80
- size 8 (Yellow/Olive)Availability:18 in stock$0.89 $0.80
- size 10 (Yellow/Olive)Availability:34 in stock$0.89 $0.80
Total Price : $0.00
- Fish these all day during the Giant Salmonfly hatch of the west.
- Also a great hopper pattern.
- Very durable and buoyant.
- Fun to fish, floats a nymph well!
- Excellent choice for a hopper dropper setup.
- Tan/Gray = tan underside, gray top, red in the middle
- Yellow/Olive = yellow underside, olive top, black in the middle
- Tan/Chartreuse = tan underside, chartreuse on top, gray in the middle