Tying Glass Bead Flies - Joe J. Warren (Softcover)
Joe is our Newest Big Y Employee.
This book provides you with all you need to begin including glass beads in your flies. includes charts & color plates; the most effective tools & accessories; the different uses for beads & the techniques needed to incorporate them into your fly tying with tips & hundreds of fly patterns for both fresh & salt water. Color photos. 8x11 inches, 64 pgs.
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Master glass-bead fly tier Joe Warren is doing his best to bring this innovative approach to more fly tiers. In Tying Glass Bead Flies he shares his vast knowledge, providing you with all you need to begin including glass beads in your flies. Joe shows you the best hooks and beads to use (including charts and color plates); the most effective tools and accessories; the different uses for beads and the techniques needed to incorporate them into your fly tying; tying instructions with hundreds of color photos and tons of tips; and hundreds of fly patterns for both fresh- and saltwater .Fly fishing by its very nature is an art form, adding glass beads brings it to a much higher level. Read Tying Glass Bead Flies to master this beautiful and functional way of tying effective flies.