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Local Fly Fishing Guides

We call the waters of the Columbia River Gorge our home. We love the variety of fisheries here in the area. From the summer steelhead meccas of the Deschutes and Klickitat Rivers to the lowly winter steelhead runs of the Hood River, smallmouth bass on the John Day, shad on the Columbia, fall salmon runs, there is a lot to do around here, and we have not even brought up one of the best wild rainbow trout fishery in the US on the lower Deschutes.

Due to the ever-shifting seasonal nature of our fisheries going across two states, multiple managing agencies and the independent structure of guide services in Oregon and Washington, we do not book any guides directly through the shop or website.  We can certainly help put you in touch with some great fishing guides for your next trip.  Here are the guides that we like to fish with in our area:

Sam Sickles

Steelhead Outfitters

Steelhead Outfitters

Formed in 2011 when Sam Sickles bought Riverborne Outfitters, a Deschutes River business he was a partner in.

Today Steelhead Outfitters is the busiest fly fishing guide service in the Columbia River Gorge. The heart and sole of our business is Jet boats, fly-fishing, Trout and Summer Steelhead.

Species: Trout, Summer Steelhead
Location: Deschutes River, Sandy River

  • Trout - May/June
  • Summer Steelhead - July-October
  • Winter Steelhead - November-March

Sterling Dillingham

Born and raised in Bend, OR - Sterling has a decade of guide experience. Now based in Hood River, he’s lucky to have the Lower Deschutes and Columbia rivers in his backyard.

Using a fun and patient approach, he loves teaching his clients fly fishing techniques and seeing them experience the rewards of being on the river.

Species: Carp, Trout
Columbia River, Deschutes River

  • Trout: Full Day or Multi-Day Floats, Deschutes River
  • Carp: Walk & Wade, Full or Half Days, Columbia River

Travis Wallace

Western Waters Guides

Western Waters Guides

Travis Wallace lives just off the Klickitat River in High Prairie with his wife and two children. He enjoys being able to fish the entire season on the river as well as pursue winter run steelhead in the surrounding streams. 

Over the last several years Travis has ran more guided fly fishing trips on the Klickitat than any other guide, he knows the spots and wants to put your fly in them.

Species: Summer Steelhead
: Klickitat River

  • Timing: June-November

Barrett Ames

NAM Fly Fishing

NAM Fly Fishing

Barrett grew up on a river in Connecticut and taught himself to fly fish using a spinning rod standing in the driveway. Opening day of trout season was considered a holiday at his family home. This passion for fishing, the water and being outside has never left Barrett and has shaped his life.

From a degree in Fisheries Science at Virginia Tech to guiding in western Alaska, the Florida Keys, and on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia, he is never far from the water. Barrett found his way to Oregon to pursue his biggest passion: wild steelhead and all the incredible rivers Oregon has to explore and to protect.

Species: Summer Steelhead
Location: Deschutes River

  • Timing: Summer/Fall