- size 10 (Black)Availability:101 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (Black)Availability:69 in stock$0.89
- size 14 (Black)Availability:103 in stock$0.89
- size 14 (Green)Availability:58 in stock$0.89
- size 10 (Pheasant Tail)Availability:76 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (Pheasant Tail)Availability:132 in stock$0.89
- size 14 (Pheasant Tail)Availability:59 in stock$0.89
- size 10 (Purple)Availability:136 in stock$0.89
- size 14 (Purple)Availability:56 in stock$0.89
- size 10 (Red)Availability:206 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (Red)Availability:71 in stock$0.89
- size 14 (Red)Availability:138 in stock$0.89
- size 10 (White)Availability:199 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (White)Availability:181 in stock$0.89
- size 14 (White)Availability:311 in stock$0.89
Total Price : $0.00
- The Tenkara fly originated in Japan.
- The Japanese had a simple philosophy when it came to catching fish: if they weren't biting this fly, the fish simply weren't there.
- Tenkara fishing continues to be vastly popular in Asian cultures, and is starting to catch on in North America.
- This fly is fairly similar to the red ass, except with the hackle reversed.
- Excellent in back eddys.
More Info
Wet Fly Swing,Lake Trout Food Sources