Pyramid Beach Leech - Umpqua
- size 8 (Black)Availability:Out of stock$4.49
- size 8 (Olive/Peacock)Availability:Out of stock$4.49
- size 8 (Brown)Availability:11 Low on stock$4.49
Total Price : $0.00
“The first time I witnessed the effectiveness of the "Balanced Leech" was in the spring of 2013, while fishing with my good friend Bill Shehan on Pyramid Lake.
I remember him tying on his version of the "Balanced Leech" and he was catching three fish to my one that afternoon, it was eye opening.
The next season I went to the lake with different variations of a "Balanced Leech" and found that these three-color comboswere the most productive at the time and with help from Darin Elmore, came up with the name "Beach Leech" for fishing the beaches of Pyramid.
Even though the pattern was designed for Pyramid originally, it has become a favorite for stillwater anglers across the globe for not only trout but bass as well.”
- Signature Tyer Zack Thurman