Film Critic - Umpqua
- size 16 (BWO)Availability:Out of stock$3.55
- size 18 (BWO)Availability:19 in stock$3.55
- size 20 (BWO)Availability:31 in stock$3.55
- size 16 (Callibaetis)Availability:17 in stock$3.55
- size 14 (Callibaetis)Availability:66 in stock$3.55
- size 16 (Pink)Availability:26 in stock$3.55
- size 18 (Pink)Availability:Out of stock$3.55
- size 16 (PMD)Availability:25 in stock$3.55
- size 18 (PMD)Availability:9 Low on stock$3.55
- size 14 (Flav)Availability:15 in stock$3.55
- size 10 (Gray Drake)Availability:16 in stock$3.55
- size 12 (Gray Drake)Availability:16 in stock$3.55
- size 10 (Green Drake)Availability:Out of stock$3.55
- size 12 (Green Drake)Availability:5 Low on stock$3.55
Total Price : $0.00
Bob Quigley, the king of the "film” designed the Film Critic to match mayflies at their most vulnerable stage of the hatch, while emerging from nymph to dun. Mayfly emergers are often stuck in the film for quite some time making them easy prey which is why trout often feed on them in a leisurely manner. This fact can also account for the very picky nature of trout when feeding on them. Bob designed this fly with all of the key attributes that trigger fish to eat during this stage…shuck & tail, low-riding body, sparse hackle, prominent wing (both for trout and angler).