Double Fat Albert
- size 6 (Black)Availability:86 in stock$0.89
- size 8 (Black)Availability:420 in stock$0.89
- size 6 (Purple)Availability:11 Low on stock$0.89
- size 8 (Purple)Availability:Out of stock$0.89
- size 6 (Tan)Availability:Out of stock$0.89
- size 8 (Tan)Availability:106 in stock$0.89
- size 6 (Yellow)Availability:82 in stock$0.89
- size 8 (Yellow)Availability:81 in stock$0.89
Total Price : $0.00
- Ah the king of terrestrial patterns, the Fat Albert.
- If your heading to Montana, chances are your box is full of these and Chubby Chernobyls.
- This pattern was a customer request who was heading to South America.
- It adds a wing to this pattern giving it extra visibility, while creating an extra bugginess that the fish should notice from below.
- Finally we are adding these in a new color, yellow. Which will make this pattern much more appetizing to fish in hopper infested waters