Bitch Creek
- size 6 (Chartreuse)Availability:14 in stock$0.89
- size 8 (Chartreuse)Availability:33 in stock$0.89
- size 10 (Chartreuse)Availability:33 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (Chartreuse)Availability:46 in stock$0.89
- size 4 (Orange)Availability:54 in stock$0.89
- size 6 (Orange)Availability:92 in stock$0.89
- size 8 (Orange)Availability:129 in stock$0.89
- size 10 (Orange)Availability:165 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (Orange)Availability:14 in stock$0.89
- size 8 (Yellow)Availability:42 in stock$0.89
- size 12 (Yellow)Availability:80 in stock$0.89
- size 6 (Yellow)Availability:50 in stock$0.89
Total Price : $0.00
- Invented in Montana, the Bitch Creek catches fish, when nothing else will. And not itty bitty ones either.
- Named after the famous Bitch Creek in Idaho, which is a homonym for the French word Biche, which means cow.
- This timeless pattern features color contrasts, and white rubber legs. Designed to entice large fish into strikes.
- Imitates stoneflies, leeches, and big food sources for trout.
- A great attractor of big fish.